作者:张曼曼 摄影:熊明慧
2024年6月6日上午,应太阳城娱乐邀请,丹麦理工大学John M Woodley教授在学院220会议室进行了一场题为“Challenges for the implementation of sustainable bioprocesses”的学术报告。本次报告由曹中艳教授主持。
报告中,John M Woodley概述了各种生物工艺技术最适合的应用场合,并特别强调了使用酶进行生物催化合成化学品的潜力。探讨了这些技术如何作为未来食品、化学品和药品生产的关键技术,以及它们在环境清洁和回收潜在有害物质(如二氧化碳)方面的作用。同时也指出了生物工艺在满足不同工业需求时可能遇到的局限性,并讨论了它们是否都能提供可持续性益处。此外,他还提供了一些关于如何克服实现可持续生物工艺的工业实施所需挑战的实际例子。报告结束后,他与参会师生进行了深入交流,并全面回答了大家提出的问题。
报告人简介:John Woodley is Professor of Chemical Engineering at the Technical University of Denmark (DTU). He has a PhD from University College London (UCL) in Biochemical Engineering, and after industrial and academic experience in the UK, he moved to Denmark in 2007. He has been very active with research and teaching within the framework of the Sino-Danish Center (SDC) collaboration between China and Denmark. His research interests today are focused on understanding enzyme stability and the development of scale-down apparatus, to help implement new bioprocesses. John has published arouno300 scientific papers, educated around 60 PhD students and in 2016 was a co-chair of the Gordon Research Conference on Biocatalysis in USA. In 2021, he was awarded an ERC Advanced Grant from the European Commission. in 2025 he will be the co-chair of the Enzyme Engineering conference to be held in Denmark. He is a Fellow of the institution of Chemical Engineers (FIChemE) and a Fellow of the Royal Academy of Engineering (FREng) in UK.